When they see advertising messages in digital out-of-home solutions, consumers are satisfied, optimistic, confident, and hopeful. These intense emotions are triggered by the use of creativity and the quality of digital solutions that stimulate the target audience's imagination.

Benefício das Soluções de Experiência DOOH da EXP MEDIA

Faster results

According to studies, when customers see an ad on a billboard or an indoor media solution in Event spaces, most will be influenced to interact with the activated brand based on the message conveyed in the ad.

O DOOH oferece a capacidade de criar e expressar de maneira mais efetiva no circuito de painéis oferecidos pela EXP MEDIA Nesses novas soluções e espaços podem ser usados títulos e mensagens atraentes, que quando misturados com gráficos e imagens de alta qualidade, conseguem percorrer o caminho para chamar a atenção da audiência pessoas.

More creativity

Reaching more people

A publicidade DOOH oferecida pela EXP MEDIA, acontece nos locais onde se realizam os maiores Eventos e as atividades de Entretenimento com público qualificado. Como as soluções oferecidas nestes circuitos de painéis estão estrategicamente posicionadas, os anúncios nelas são claramente visíveis, permitindo uma comunicação mais efetiva a um grande número de pessoas ao mesmo tempo.

Os circuitos de anúncios nas plataformas DOOH da EXP MEDIA permitem que o anunciante impacte de maneira dirigida um maior número de pessoas a um custo baixo. Os valores de CPM são extremamente baixos, e quando combinados com seu amplo alcance de mercado e escalabilidade em audiências qualificadas, fornecem aos anunciantes um motivo convincente para escolher investir nestas soluções inovadoras.

Affordable pricing


Benefits of DIEX Midia's DOOH experience solutions

When they see advertising messages in digital out-of-home solutions, consumers are satisfied, optimistic, confident, and hopeful. These intense emotions are triggered by the use of creativity and the quality of digital solutions that stimulate the target audience's imagination.

Faster results
According to studies, when customers see an ad on a billboard or an indoor media solution in Event spaces, most will be influenced to interact with the activated brand based on the message conveyed in the ad.

More creativity
DOOH offers the possibility to create and express more effectively in the circuit of panels offered by DIEX MIDIAThese new solutions allow for attractive titles and messages that, combined with high quality graphics and images, will grab viewers' attention.

Reaching more people
. DIEX MIDIADOOH advertising takes place where the biggest events and entertainment activities attract qualified audiences. Because these illboard circuits' solutions are strategically positioned, the advertisements that appear on them are easily seen, making it possible to communicate with a greater number of people simultaneously in a more efficient manner

Affordable pricing
. DIEX MIDIA DOOH platforms allow advertisers to reach more people at lower costs. The extremely low CPMs prices, combined with the broad market reach and scalability across qualified target groups, give advertisers compelling reasons to invest in these innovative solutions.

